Consistency is a trait that is important to everyone. We appreciate family members and friends who are consistent in their attitudes and actions. They can be counted on to do the right thing – no surprises. Consistency is also essential when it comes to caregiving. You want to know that your caregiver will do the right thing for your loved one every time they’re with them. You can count on a consistent caregiver.  Consistency and caregiving go hand in hand for many reasons:

Trust is developed

It takes time for many seniors to accept help from someone they don’t know. Having the same caregiver consistently come to their home helps build trust. Your loved one’s anxiety will be reduced by not having the feeling that their caregiver is only temporary and will constantly be being replaced by someone else they’ve never met before.

Facilitates communication with your family

Even though you’re using the services of a caregiver, your role in helping your loved one stay healthy and safe is still essential. Having the same caregiver develops trust between you and them, which leads to more comfortable conversations that make it easy for both of you to coordinate care together and address any concerns either of you may have.

Helps to reduce accidents

Having a consistent caregiver means they’ll get to know your loved one better, which provides an element of safety. For example, by being there regularly, your caregiver will remember the medications your loved one takes, the dosage, and when they take it, preventing dangerous medication mishaps.

Increases the awareness of changes in health

Seeing a care recipient consistently helps a caregiver notice subtle changes in their health, which can help prevent a dangerous health issue.  For example, your regular caregiver might notice that your loved one’s balance or speech are different than normal, which can be indicators of a stroke or adverse reaction to their medication. They can then quickly tell you what’s happening, and medical attention can be given before the health issue escalates.

Conversely, a caregiver who doesn’t see your senior regularly might interpret their behavior as normal and not mention it to you, resulting in valuable time being lost and increasing the risk to your loved one’s health.

Prevents schedule conflicts

Having a consistent caregiver who keeps a regular schedule caring for your loved one helps you make plans to do all of the things you need to do, such as be at work, make medical appointments, or take care of other responsibilities you might have to a spouse or children.

Provides peace of mind

Consistency helps everyone feel good about home care. Your loved one, your caregiver, and you will all feel more relaxed and less stressed as you get to know each other. Consistent caregivers are often considered extended family members as you get to know each other.

Seaside Home Health Care provides consistency with our caregiving for seniors in Fort Myers, Punta Gorda, and Naples. One of our professional CAREgivers will consistently be there for your loved ones to help them with their daily routines and activities. Our CAREgivers provide compassionate care and love building lasting relationships with the family they’re serving. Contact us today for a free consultation. We’d love to learn about your loved ones and help them continue to age safely and gracefully in the comfort of their own home.